How Martial Arts Training Can Help You Build Better Habits

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed that most of our daily actions and activities are all based on habit? You sub-consciously complete these tasks everyday! Are you one to spend 1-2hrs a day watching Netflix? Or do you spend those hours working out or training? 


Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

 Learning Martial Arts can gradually help you to adopt some good habits that can guarantee you a more fulfilling and joyful life. Just like how exercising improves one's quality of life, engaging in martial arts can also be beneficial to you! 

There are so many habits that can have a positive impact on your life, but, I've shortlisted the top 4 and most common habits:

1. Positive Thinking

When learning drills and practicing moves, you will be able to get a hang of the routine and keep going till you master each technique. Polishing your kicks, blocks, punches, or defensive moves till they are near perfect allows you to take on positive thinking- the "Never give up!" attitude. In the beginning, you keep getting knocked down, but with the encouragement of your coach or fellow classmates, you get up and keep going! This positive frame of mind, when applied to your life, can help you to change your perspective of the people or things around you. 

2. Make Healthy Choices

So what happens when you start going to boxing class 3 times a week? Be sure to see a change in your physique! You'd lose a few pounds, get leaner and meaner, and even tone your body! You'd even watch your diet, eat foods that are good for you, and also kick those bad habits like drinking or smoking away!

Adopting a healthy lifestyle also means you would get enough rest, sleep and wake up early! A good night's sleep can help you to keep your focus at work or school and may also help you to perform better when you need it the most!

3. Setting Goals

Taking up martial arts training can also teach you the importance of setting goals. Want to be the best fighter in your area? Well, aim for that and don't give up till you reach that goal! Want to lose 10 kg in 2 months? Sit down and start a diet and weight loss plan! Setting goals gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, provide direction and focus, and even keeps you motivated. So what are the goals you have in life?

4. Improve Relationships


 One of my favourite habit that I'd like to highlight is improving relationships. 

You aren't able to do martial arts without a sparring partner (unless it's shadowing) and you won't know how good or bad you are when there's no one else to compare yourself with. So building relationships in Martial Arts is vital. It is the key factor in self-improvement. Knowing how to behave or react during social activities will help build your inter-personal skills. You may even learn how to stop an argument among others, or avoid bad habits like bad-mouthing others. Martial Arts training helps you to adopt such habits so you'd be able to improve relationships in your life.


With these 4 habits in mind, I'm sure you'll be able to lead a life with positivity.