Top 5 Defensive Maneuvers For Kickboxing

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

Dread having to remember and adopt the proper principles and formulas to kickboxing? Well, you will need them to actually thrive in the kickboxing world! Without learning the essential knowledge and techniques, you'll be devastated when your opponent knocks you out.

According to, there are seven principles: distancing, defense, feinting, timing, power, endurance and sparring. For this post, we will focus on the Top 5 Defensive Maneuvers that are used in Kickboxing.

If you want to be on par with the top-tier fighters in the world, you have to train to be a highly-effective defensive fighter. Without basic knowledge on how to defend yourself, you might as well give up when you face strong opponents. 

Don't want to submit yourself to a losing fight? Learn the below techniques that will help you become a more defensive fighter:


Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash


1. PARRY : Redirecting a punch with your hand.

2. BLOCK : Stopping a technique with your arms or legs. Action(s) will limit or do away with what your opponent is throwing.

3. DODGE : Moving all or part of your body away from the impending punch or kick. This maneuver will help you avoid any counterattack from your opponent as you do not make contact with them. Preferable over parrying or dodging.

4. RETURN: After executing any defensive maneuvers, right before your opponent can return to guard position, you throw your own punch or kick. 

5. ROLLING WITH THE PUNCH: Move away from your opponent's attack in the same direction it travels. The impact of the blow will not be as strong.


 After mastering these defensive maneuvers, you may have a chance to face off with a powerful opponent and win the fight. Keep these in mind while you are training. They are bound to help you flourish in your journey to be one of the best fighters!